cool science
By Willow Tohi
A lost chapter of the Bible rediscovered: A 1,750-year-old revelation
A 1,750-year-old Syriac manuscript containing an expanded version of Matthew 12 was uncovered using ultraviolet (UV) light, revealing a chapter lost for nearly two millennia and offering insights into the evolving nature of early Christian scripture. The newly revealed chapter includes narrative variations, such as the disciples rubbing grain before eating, suggesting early Christian communities […]
By Zoey Sky
Experts discover “terror beast” fossils in Greenland that are over half a BILLION years old
Researchers have discovered the fossils of a fascinating “terror beast” marine worm. Data from the preserved fossils revealed that the underwater creature had a giant jaw and dominated the seas more than 500 million years ago. The research team found the fossils of the newfound species of carnivorous worm Timorebestia koprii (T. koprii) or “terror beast” in northern Greenland. Details […]
By Ethan Huff
Check out these 6 ancient civilizations that were hiding in plain sight, but never discovered prior to the advent of archeological LASER BEAM technology
Using advanced laser beam technology, archeologists claim to have discovered evidence of no less than six ancient civilizations that used to exist but no longer do, the ruins of which are apparently still hiding right in plain sight. Lidar lasers, as they are called, can penetrate dense vegetation, allowing experts to view the terrain and […]
By Zoey Sky
Study: 360M-year-old fossil from Ireland proves plants are capable of self-defense
Trees produce fruit and provide shade. According to a study, trees are also capable of self-defense. Researchers have discovered the oldest evidence of plant self-defense in wood from a 360-million-year-old fossil from Ireland. The study involved an international team of researchers and was co-led by Dr. Carla J. Harper, assistant professor in Botany in the School of Natural […]
By Zoey Sky
Experts think there are more GIGANTIC ANIMALS on Earth yet to be discovered
Back in 2020, experts first laid eyes on what may be the longest animal ever discovered. Researchers reported that they found a roughly 150-foot-long (45-meter) siphonophore in a deep-sea canyon off the Australian coast. Because experts didn’t discover siphonophores until recently, it’s possible that there are more giant animals left to discover. Large animals from the ocean and on land […]
By Kevin Hughes
8 Remarkable gold and silver artifacts discovered in 2022
Humans have been making gold and silver into jewelry, coins and other dazzling items for centuries. People find many of these valuable items from the past every year – and 2022 is no exception. Here are eight remarkable gold and silver artifacts found last year in different places across the globe. “Inexpensive jewelry” turns out to be […]
By Virgilio Marin
The longest trail of fossilized footprints hints at an ancient woman and child’s dangerous trek in the wild
Researchers from the U.S. and the U.K. have uncovered the longest fossilized trackway made by man. Discovered in 2018, the trail of footprints stretches nearly a mile in what’s now the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. The team suggests that the trail was left by a woman carrying a toddler as they rushed across a muddy lakebed some […]
By Virgilio Marin
Skulls from a cave in Spain suggest Stone Age people may have performed brain surgery, practiced human sacrifice
A pair of Stone Age skulls unearthed in the Dehesilla Cave in Spain shows signs of a halted brain surgery and possible human sacrifice, according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE. An international team of researchers said that the skulls, which date back to 4,800 to 4,500 B.C., may have belonged to a man and a […]
By Ramon Tomey
Baby pterodactyls could fly from BIRTH, reveals fascinating study
Two researchers from England have found that baby pterodactyls, or flaplings, could fly from birth. Their discovery, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, contradicts the long-standing belief that pterodactyls only took to the air when fully grown. Earlier research on fossilized pterodactyl embryos with poorly developed wings gave rise to the idea […]
By Michael Alexander
Fascinating biology: Here’s why certain animals have DOZENS of bones in their skulls
Contrary to what most people might think, the human skull — the bone structure that supports the face and forms a protective cavity for the brain — is actually composed of many bones rather than one — 22 bones, to be precise. These bones, which are connected together by fibrous structures known as “cranial sutures,” harden and fuse together […]
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